Welcome to my GlowFun Blog! Here I will post fun, cool or random thigs that I did or have seen. Here's the first random thing:
I had a dream about some cute guy.  I  wished I would have kissed him in the dream. :( Anyway... there was also cage of wolfs that had a baby wolf. The baby wolf  had a 5 inch long nose. It started singing before I woke up! Very weird dream... haha!
Glow, Have fun, and help the elderly!,
7/14/2012 04:13:14 am

I had a dream last nite that my neighbor and her friends set this tree in our yard on fire. I ran inside and grabbed the fire extinguisher and we tried spraying th fire out but the fire extinguisher was empty but somehow the fire still went out. There was more to this dream that i forget. I think we were in this giant house thing with an elevator that was for employees. I have no idea.

8/23/2012 03:18:50 am

Everyone reading this please come check out me and my friends website we worked really hard on it and we think its quite cool. Our website is websitereviewer.weebly.com, my personal website is megansland.weebly.com and me and my other friends is directionersalltheway. I would appreciate it if anyone visited and left a comment, added themself to our subscribers list, entered our contest, or just read it! Thank you and I love this website. Also if anyone wants to be a sister site just email me at [email protected] Have a good day and a very odd dream indeed


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